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9th nexCafé: Playing at Being Human
Between AI, animal, and Plant Life: an Artistic and Philosophical Experiment

KIZUNA performance
“Open Your Eyes”

Giving a voice to ecosystems Marcus Maeder @ YOSHINO 20 ART FESTIVAL
Sustainability meets Art, Innovation and Tradition : Marcus Maeder’s “Forest Voices” at Kinpusenji Temple

Umi No Oya - Maya Minder and Ewen Chardronnet
Swiss Cinema Days - Documentary Preview Screening

Swing Kids Japan Tour 2024
Celebrating Friendship Through Jazz: The Swing Kids, Live in Tokyo

“Vitality Through Your Eyes” Awards
Photo Contest Exhibition and Award Ceremony

Switzerland-Japan Economic Forum 2024
Biodiversity in crisis: How can we drive the transformation towards regenerative economies?

Showcasing Swiss Innovation in Biotechnology and Life Sciences

Healthy Longevity
Lessons from Japan and Switzerland

Innovative Aging
Economic Vitality Amidst Aging Demographics