
エピソード2 - 自分はどこから来ているのか―文化・過去とつながることで生まれるバイタリティ
ある夜、旅先のモロッコの砂漠で「自分の人生を生きねば」と啓示を受けたように思い立ち、成功していた仕事も部屋も全てを投げ捨て旅に出たスペイン系スイス人の青年、ダニエル・ロペスは、東京で出会ったカラオケの三線の音色(THE BOOMの島唄!)に導かれ、沖縄へとたどり着きます。果たして沖縄の地に立ったその2日目に「ここ」であることが判明!そうして沖縄に暮らすことになり20年、今では沖縄在住のスイス人映画監督・写真家、そして故郷のジュラと沖縄を結ぶ交流プロジェクト「ジュラ・沖縄」の開催と大活躍の日々です。
今回のVitality.Swissポッドキャストでは、新作ドキュメンタリー作品『ウムイ 芸能の村』の全国劇場上映を控えるロペス監督に、監督の生い立ちから沖縄に至るまで、そして故郷ジュラと沖縄の人々のことをお聞きしました。生活に根付いた芸能・文化に生きる沖縄の人々を見つめる監督は、自分はどこから来て、いったい何者なのか知ること(アイデンティティ)がバイタリティにつながると言います。さらに、いろいろなことが起きている今の世の中で『ウムイ 芸能の村』に登場する人々の生活を見ていると、ゆったりとしていて癒しになるとも。私はどこから来ているのか、少し立ち止まって、皆さんも一緒に考えてみませんか?
『ウムイ 芸能の村』
ポッドキャスト内でご紹介『ウムイ 芸能の村』挿入歌
「千年の恋」作詞:島袋拓也 作曲:石川一機 編曲:ドゥニ・フォンタナローサ 歌:南絵茉 ピアノ:ドゥニ・フォンタナローサ
「サイヨー節」唄・三線: 仲村渠達也 仲田知広 箏:宮城秀子 太鼓:金城安恵 歌:宮城小寿江

スペイン系スイス人。1970年にスイスに生まれる。2003年より沖縄に拠点を置き、沖縄県立芸術大学大学院修了。映像製作・カメラマン・テレビのパーソナリティなどを務める。2016年に初の長編ドキュメンタリー『カタブイ、沖縄に生きる』を、2020年に『KAKERU 舞台の裏の物語』を監督。3本目の長編ドキュメンタリー作品『ウムイ 芸能の村』(2022年)は、2022年東京ドキュメンタリー映画祭の人類学・民俗映像部門でグランプリを受賞。

エピソード1 - 美といやし: 芸術と自然が健康へもたらす効果とは?
今日は同僚のサラ・ボックマンさんと、Vitality.Swiss Podcastのエピソード1をお届けします。さっそくですが、サラさん、今回のトピックは何ですか?
サラ:Hi everyone! I’m Sarah Bokman and I will be one of the moderators for this first Vitality.Swiss podcast together with Yuko.
Today we have a look at the effects of art and nature on our well-being with two distinguished guest speakers.
サラ:We have a Swiss artist, who previously worked as a nurse, Mr. Hubert Crevoisier from Switzerland together with us. Can I call you Hubert ?
ウーベル: It’s perfect. May I call you Sarah ?
サラ:And from the Japanese side, we have a Japanese researcher studying Shinrin-yoku (Forest Therapy) Mr. Yoshifumi Miyazaki. Could you both introduce in a few words your work, what it is you do? Maybe we can start with Hubert ?
ウーベル: I’m Hubert Crevoisier. I’m a Swiss glass artist who has worked for 30 years with glass. I trained as a craftsman at the Orrefors Glass School in Sweden and I am self-taught artist. In my last solo exhibition entitled “Hubert Crevoisier. I’m blue, I’m yellow, I’m green glass … and I see red” which took place at the Ariana Museum in Geneva, the Swiss Museum of Ceramics and Glass. I created installations from glass to invite the visitor to enter a space of light and color. In order to better understand my intimate link between “art and health”, it is important to mention my second profession as a nurse in public health, which I always practiced, until 3 years ago, in parallel with my art practice. I have been working for 30 years as an artist, as a nurse and human being is at the center of my creativity.
優子:ウーベルさんは、ガラスを主に扱うアーティストです。スウェーデンのオレフォス・ガラススクールで学び、その後は独学で技術を磨かれました。近作では、ジュネーブのアリアナ美術館で個展「Hubert Crevoisier. I’m blue, I’m yellow, I’m green glass … and I see red」が開催されていました(2022年2月~8月)。何といっても3年前までは、公衆衛生分野の看護師でもあった、というのがウーベルさんを特徴づけるご経歴です。創作の源は人とのこと。
サラ: Mr. Miyazaki, you are a researcher who elucidates the relationship between humans and nature, such as forests. And you are currently a professor at Chiba University.
How does your work relate to well-being or health? Hubert, would you like to start ?
ウーベル: I’m not a scientist, I’m an artist. I’ve worked intuitively for 30 years. [But even if I’m unable to explain it verbally, I’m convinced there is a link between “art and health”. It’s the reason why] I postulate that “beauty heals”. When I heard that the “Montreal Museum of Fine Arts” had created an “art and health” department, I jumped on the first plane to see what was going on there. What I saw and felt in Montreal confirmed what I have been doing intuitively along my 30 years art work. I was at the right place and it’s the reason why I developed this intimating between “art and health”.
Before my exhibition in Museum Ariana, I wanted to explore deeper this link between “art and health” and I made, 2 years ago, an artistic residency at Malévoz Quartier Culturel. By working artistically with patients with disabilities or mental illness, I saw and measured the impact of creation on the well-being of the patients. In the publication presenting my residency work, it is written “Hubert is not an art therapist. He says he has explored the space of the red color. He did in Malévoz what his fellow artists do: go beyond the surface to enter the depths and explore the language of other possibilities. These are the positive effects of the work of plastic expression, it allows, for a moment, to use another language to rekindle hope, to make light and color dance in the heads and hearts of patients. “
サラ:So your research focuses on nature therapy and its effects on our bodies, such as reduction in stress levels and relaxation. That’s really interesting, we talk about nature therapy and art and well-being but currently there is a lot of interest in alternative therapies and in understanding health and well-being.
Maybe we can start with you Hubert. In your latest exhibition you collaborated with medical practitioners to provide “art prescriptions”, could you tell us about that?
ウーベル: The project of museum prescription we proposed during our exhibition is the result of a long 4 years journey. From my professional experience as an artist and nurse on the one hand and the recommendations issued in 2019 by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the other hand, I took the initiative of contacting Professor Barbara Broers, a national expert for prevention and addiction, and the cultural service of the University Hospital in Geneva (HUG). I proposed to realize a pilot project “art and health” to the Ariana Museum in Geneva and the professor.
ウーベル: I can maybe add something. For this project with the Ariana Museum, we came up with an idea I had seeing in Montreal about “medical prescriptions”. Under scientific supervision of Professor Broers and Doctor Sittarame, experts at Geneva University Hospital, we printed “art prescriptions” as forms and we distributed them to the doctors of the University Hospital and to the general practioners in the city of Geneva to motivate them to make “medical prescriptions”. The prescriptions allowed the patients to discover the exhibition free of charge in company of a person of their choice, with or without the curator of the Musée Ariana. The evaluation of the project is still ongoing but one thing is sure, it will go further on. During the exhibition, we also invited art and health experts for a multidisciplinary conference entitled “Art and Health: A winning team? “ You can see the recording of this conference on the Ariana Museum website.
サラ:That’s really fascinating. So through Shinrin-yoku or nature therapy, we try to understand the relationship between humans and nature, when we come in contact with nature and its effects on the body, in particular its relaxing properties. You’ve even found scientific evidence of this through indicators such as stress hormones and brain and immune activity. Of course it is not a cure for diseases, but it has a strengthening effect on the body as relaxation combats stress, which weakens the immune system.
It is remarkable to hear of the larger goal of reducing medical costs, through this preventative medical effect of Shinrin-yoku. Would you like to explain the concept behind Shinrin-yoku ?
サラ:I see, so Shinrin-yoku can be explained through these two concepts that you’ve explained:
Our long-standing relationship to nature and our comfort. I hadn’t thought about it but it is true that our bodies are used to a natural environment as humans have only been living in cities in the last 200-300 years. As such our bodies seek this nature and are stressed by modern society. This is a very interesting concept.
You propose a very interesting understanding of comfort. You speak of passive comfort, where we simply eliminate discomfort, such as when we are too cold or too hot, and active comfort, where we seek to gain something more, we actively seek comfort. It’s true that if we think about it art, music, and nature therapy are active comfort. We synchronize with our environment and feel comfortable. We are seeking comfort. You say this comfort is specific to each individual, what about Shinrin-yoku is there a common way of doing it or is it also personal?
サラ:So it is a very personal search for comfort. I have never thought of finding my favourite forest or element of nature that engages my senses and synchronize with them. So because it’s an “active comfort” when we become one with the forest, a sense of comfort arises and we become less stressed. Everybody knows that going for a walk in nature will brighten your mood, but we don’t really understand why. But you found evidence of this physiological relaxation effect in 1990 using the stress hormone cortisol as an indicator.
That’s really interesting and it’s true that it is the same with art. We seek out art, nature or forests, and that is active comfort.
Has there been any research done on the effect of art or nature on health and well-being? Any studies that demonstrate its efficacy?
ウーベル: I am not a scientist and I have no competence to talk about scientific research. But what I can say is that the scientific studies launched by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts were supervised by a scientific committee chaired by Mr. Rémi Quirion, first Chief Scientist of Quebec. In the meantime, in 2019, the WHO published a meta-analysis which concluded that art is beneficial to mental and physical health. The WHO report states that artistic practices have a direct impact on the health of patients, especially when there is a personal involvement in the creation. The WHO now recommends that arts and cultural activities should be integrated into health care programs. I recently discovered that a new research institution of international importance has been created in Switzerland on this subject of “culture and health”: the Swiss Center for Design and Health located in Bienne.
優子:ご自身は科学者ではないので、ご自身で芸術とウェルビーイングに与える影響を証明はできないと前置きされたウーベルさん。カナダのモントリオール美術館ではケベック州の初代主任研究員であるRemi Quirion (レミ・キリオン)教授が率いる科学委員会がその研究をしていること、そして、WHOでは、芸術が心身の健康に有益であると結論づけたメタ分析を発表していることを教えてくれました。
そして、スイスでもSwiss Center for Design and Health – SCDH(デザインと健康のためのスイスセンター)が設立されたそうです。この「デザインと健康のためのスイスセンター」は、2019年にスイス連邦政府とベルン州、研究機関と民間企業によって設立されたスイスの研究機関です。
サラ:Yes, I think we can all agree that’s a very interesting topic, not only regarding Shinrinyoku but also art. Everybody knows that going for a walk in nature will brighten your mood, but we don’t really understand why. But you found evidence of this physiological relaxation effect through your experiments. You also found that this effect lasts, that after experiencing Shinrinyoku the effect lasted for 5 days. That’s quite interesting. I should definitely go into the forest more so I can have less stress.
Regarding the outcome of Shinrinyoku, you not only found that it reduces stress through relaxation but can also help with blood pressure, not only for people with high blood pressure by lowering it but also for people with low blood pressure by raising it. The body will adjust itself to its best state. It’s interesting because we always think about high blood pressure but not often about low blood pressure.
Already in 1990 you found evidence of this physiological relaxation effect using the stress hormone cortisol as an indicator. So you conducted two types experiments: a 15-minute walk and a sit and watch experiment. What you found was that it reduces stress, blood pressure and the body became physiologically relaxed or adjusted to a better state.
Concerning the shinrin-yoku experiment, two types of experiments were conducted.
1) A 15-minute “walk” and “sit-and-watch” experiment involving 768 participants was conducted over 14 years in 63 forests throughout Japan and cities for comparison purposes.
2) A “one-day type” experiment, in which various programs are conducted in the forest from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, has also been conducted in about ten experiments.
The results yielded the following three findings
(1) 15 minutes of shinrin-yoku, compared to urban areas,
1) Stress hormone (cortisol) levels decrease.
2) Parasympathetic nervous activity, which increases during relaxation, is enhanced.
3) Sympathetic nervous activity, which increases during stress, decreases.
4) Blood pressure and heart rate decrease.
5) Prefrontal cortex activity is calmed.
The body became physiologically relaxed.
2) In a “one-day type” experiment with hypertensive subjects
1. Blood pressure decrease.
2. The decrease in blood pressure continued for five days after returning to daily life.
3) It was found that shinrin-yoku has a “physiological adjustment effect.”
1. It lowers blood pressure in people with high blood pressure and raises blood pressure in people with low blood pressure
2. it has the “physiological adjustment effect” of bringing blood pressure to the proper level.
As a Japanese researcher what do you think of this idea of doctors prescribing visits to museums? Could it be implemented in Japan?
サラ:It’s true that in the case of “active comfort” people need that have an interest in the topic for there to be any effect. If people aren’t interested in art or forests, then you cannot ensure the same outcome, the same relaxation. We need to conduct this project with people interested in art. Then we will wait for scientific evidence to be gathered in Japan as well, to see if it can be implemented.
Hubert, do you think that this forest therapy could also be implemented in Switzerland?
ウーベル: I’ve never been to Japan but I recently discovered a Japanese Forest at the Swiss National Arboretum. Mr. Sylvain Meier, a swiss forest engineer created in 1970/ 1980 this Japanese forest in the Valley of Aubonne. I participated there in a 3 days course of initiation to the techniques of natural dyeing which included a walk in the Japanese forest, a botanical introduction and a collection of materials to be used for dyeing. The artist who conducted the course took us, in the heart of Switzerland, into the visible and invisible colors of a Japanese forest. And it’s true, I felt a deep relaxation at the end of this 3 days course.
By doing a quick search on Internet, I discovered that Shinrinyoku is already present in Switzerland. There is already a lot about Forest Bathing. I discover that there is an association in Switzerland for Shinrinyoku, there is a Shinrinyoku training and a list of Shinrinyoku therapists. So I was surprised that there were already many things happening in Switzerland.
優子:ウーベルさん、日本にいらしたことはまだないそうなのですが、なんとスイスにはシルヴァン・マイヤー(Sylvain Meier)さんが1970年から80年にかけてヴォ―州、オーボンヌの谷に作った「日本の森」があることを教えてくれました。そこでウーベルさんは森の散策、植物学的な紹介や染色に使用する材料の収集などを含む3日間の天然染色の入門コースを受けたそうです。スイスの中心で、日本の森の見える色と見えない色の中に参加者たちを連れて行ってくれたと、そして、この3日間のコースが終わったとき、深いくつろぎを感じたそうです。
宮崎さんの著書「SHINRINYOKU」はスイスのOrell Füssliという出版社からというドイツ語でも出版されていますね。
私たちは、ウェルビーイングや瞑想についてよく話題にしますが、宮崎さんがお考えになる能動的、受動的な 健康・ウェルビーイングな状態とはどのような関係があるのでしょうか?
サラ:Thank you for your explanation on the relationship between active and passive comfort, or states of health and wellbeing. So while meditation is considered effective for stress reduction, the body will automatically relax in the case of nature therapy, as it is designed to respond to nature. That’s fascinating. I definitely need to go in nature more. Especially if my body is going to do it on its own and I don’t need to do anything. So nature therapy has a significant advantage over other therapies.
How does well-being, contemplation relate to active or passive well-being and health in your opinion, Hubert?
ウーベル: In my last exhibition I did at the Museum Ariana, I worked as every glassmaker has been working since the dawn of time by placing glass in every church, cathedral, temple, mosque and palace in the world. In this last exhibition I have not only shown beautiful pieces of glass. But I have invited the visitor of the exhibition to immerse himself in a space of light and colors.
The idea behind it was to offer the visitor the opportunity to see, to perceive and to feel how the color yellow transforms the colour blue into green. Using words to explain a process of human transformation is impossible for me. You have to do it, you can maybe see, feel or you can experience it. But I’m convinced that you can measure it scientifically.
ウーベル:To my intuitive point of view, a visit to a museum doesn’t “heal” really but it brings a state of relaxation because it allows, for a moment, to disconnect from the system of cognitive thought based on “competition, performance and efficiency ” to reconnect to another sensorial system of thought based on “perception, intuition and emotion”.
サラ:So it is important to synchronize with our environment, to feel it, to better understand it. And even if we cannot express it through words, it is possible to do so through feelings. Be it for nature or art. Thank you for your recommendations for our daily lives ! So it is finding the right nature for us that will synchronize with us ! It can even be an element of nature such as essential oils, flowers, gardens, woods, parks, forests, etc. By actively choosing and synchronizing with this element, depending on our situation and physical condition, our sense of comfort and well-being will improve.
What about you Hubert?Do you have any recommendations to promote well-being that can be adopted in our everyday lives?
ウーベル: That was a very difficult question. In attempting to answer, I had to come back to the skills I developed as an artist working with light and colours and as nurse who worked on a concept of global health. Research shows that cultivating a caring attitude toward oneself and others is beneficial to health and social relationships. Today, I strongly believe in the benefits of commitment to a cause, to a dream, to a passion. We need to dream today. One thing I know for sure: Engaging myself in art as I did in the las 30 years, reconnected me to myself and to the world. So …how can a person, a community or a society cultivate a caring attitude? If I had continued my work as a nurse, I think that today, in my prevention interviews, I would ask my patients the following question: how can you become the Red Cross of yourself?
サラ:Thank you Hubert, thank you Miyazaki-sensei it was great to have you with us.
ウーベル:You as well Sarah. Thank you too, thank you Japan, thank you Tokyo, thank you Mr. Miyazaki and Sarah. It was a pleasure to spend this time with you.
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サラ:Thank you very much for listening to us today! We hope you liked today’s topic and we would love to hear from you! Don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts on this episode and share with us what is your method of relaxation. You can get in contact through our social media channels, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
You can find all the information we mentioned on the web page on the Vitality.Swiss website with related links! Don’t hesitate to check it out and stay tuned for the next Vitalty.Swiss Podcast!
“Culture and Health”: the Swiss Center for Design and Health located in Bienne.
