Media impact! Press trip focusing on Swiss Quantum and AI sectors
7 Japanese journalists visited Switzerland and experienced the Innovation of “Vitality.Swiss,” generating leads in major Japanese outlets!
The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and Presence Switzerland organized last winter a media tour for 7 leading Japanese journalists. The trip focused on “Innovation,” one of the three core themes of the Vitality.Swiss program, highlighting various Swiss initiatives in the Quantum & AI sectors. Curious about what the journalists saw? Here are some of the articles they published.
Switzerland is well-known in Japan for its cheese, chocolate and beautiful landscapes but there is also a rising awareness around Swiss pioneering innovation capabilities. To accelerate this trend, seven major Japanese media were invited to participate in a press tour in the winter 2023, focusing on the Vitality.Swiss program theme of “Innovation.” The media trip coordinated by the Embassy and Presence Switzerland highlighted various Swiss initiatives in the Quantum & AI sectors.
Report from the Sankei Shimbun

The Sankei Shimbun was one of the first of Japan’s five major newspapers to develop an Internet and digital news business. The article introduces the Swiss quantum computer initiative in the Close-Up Science section of its economic (IT) page. Please read the full articles in the Sankei Shimbun or Sankei News (All in Japanese).
Japan’s high-level technology and efforts on Quantum Computers - Finding a way forward in social implementation (January 7, 2024)
The world is competing for quantum cryptography communication: Unbreakable, China is ahead, directly linked to national strategy (January 27, 2024)
Quantum Cryptographic Communications: A Winning Opportunity for “Encryption Keys” Placed on Light Japan’s Competitiveness Recognized by the World’s Top Companies (January 27, 2024)
Related article:
“High Performance, Brand Strength,” Mikio Fujiwara, Director of Research Center, Quantum ICT Collaboration Center, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (January 27, 2024)
Quantum start-ups from universities in pursuit of IT giants Quantum computer commercialisation and other global efforts (March 17, 2024)
All written by Maki Matsuda
In addition, reporter Matsuda’s column on her experience in Switzerland, “People with disabilities are not ‘guests’ of society” (February 11, 2024), is also available. What is the situation of acceptance of people with disabilities in Switzerland as experienced by the reporter?
Report from Nikkei xTECH

Nikkei Crosstech (xTECH) is a technology-oriented digital media for engineers and business leaders in a variety of industries, from IT, automotive, electronics and machinery to architecture and civil engineering. Under digital media, you can find the series “Undiscovered Swiss Tech” by Tadashi Nakamichi, editor in chief of Nikkei Electronics, who participated in the Vitality.Swiss media trips in 2022 and 2023.
In his first article, “Switzerland, a ‘Small Country’, Looks Ahead to Future Technologies”, published on January 16, 2024, (Re-edited and republished on March 19, 2024) he describes Switzerland’s innovation prowess as follows:
- Promoting innovation by investing national funds in basic research
- Attracting cutting-edge researchers to the country for further national development
- Japan has much to learn from Switzerland in order to revive its capacity for innovation
In the second article published on January 25, 2024, “Switzerland, doesn’t require immediate results of basic research and rapid growth in its ventures”, he analyzes the advanced quantum technology in Switzerland :
- Switzerland already had a quantum technology venture 20 years ago
- Switzerland has a system that does not require rapid growth of university-launched basic technologies, but rather a slow nurturing process
- He introduces the approaches of three leading Swiss quantum technology ventures (Zurich Instruments, ID Quantique, and Qnami)
The final article in this series dated February 20, 2024 is titled “Eavesdropping on Optical Fiber is Actually Easy: Swiss Quantum Cryptography Device Maker Demonstrates Right in Front of Your Eyes.” What did editor-in-chief Nakamichi see at ID Quantique (IDQ), a Swiss company that develops quantum cryptography devices?
Read the full articles of the “Undiscovered Swiss Tech” series on Nikkei xTECH (All in Japanese):
Switzerland, a ‘Small Country’, Looks Ahead to Future Technologies(2024.01.16)
Switzerland, doesn’t require immediate results of basic research and rapid growth in its ventures (2024.01.25)
Eavesdropping on Optical Fiber is Actually Easy: Swiss Quantum Cryptography Device Maker Demonstrates Right in Front of Your Eyes (2024.02.20)
Report from Real Sound Tech

Real Sound Tech, a digital magazine that delivers technology x entertainment information and reviews in an easy-to-understand format, has started a series of articles by writer Machiko Nakagawa on “The Current State of Quantum Computers in Switzerland”.
In this first article, she introduces the approaches of universities and research facilities in Switzerland, the major barriers encountered in relation to EU and Swiss researchers.
Chasing the Frontier of “Quantum Computers,” the Next-Generation Hegemony: Report from Switzerland (Part 1)(2024.01.07 12:00)
The second report discusses uptownBasel, which aims to become the center of Industry 4.0, and Quantum Basel, the first commercially available quantum computing hub in Switzerland.
A single Swiss man who invested 85.3 billion yen to build a quantum computer facility. What is the Vision that Citizens are also Looking Forward to? (2024.01.07 12:00)
Final report: Industry-University Common Creation Project in Switzerland, an Innovation Powerhouse (2024.02.05 18:00)
Read the full articles about Switzerland here (All in Japanese).
Report from the Mainichi Shimbun

The Mainichi Shimbun was the pioneer of the first daily newspaper in Tokyo (1872) and the world’s first newspaper to be delivered door-to-door in 1875. Here, the Mainichi Shimbun reports on Switzerland’s strategy as a “small country”, the diversity and challenges that give rise to technological innovation, as well as an report on a chocolate museum “Lindt home of chocolate”. Please read the full articles in the Mainichi Shimbun, written by Daichi Matsuoka (All in Japanese).
The secret behind the world’s 4th largest GDP per capita: Switzerland’s venture strategy as a “small country” (February 3, 2024)
Immigrants Founded Swatch and Nestlé, and Switzerland Faces “Anti-Immigrant” Headwinds (February 3, 2024)
Chocolate Waterfalls Welcome You to Switzerland’s New Sweet Spot (February 3, 2024)
Report from ZDNET Japan

ZDNET Japan, which provides the latest information for companies, organizations, and business leaders working to solve business challenges and create value through the use of IT and digital technology, has published four articles in its “Vitality. Swiss Series” by Minori Ohba. In the second article of the series, it introduces the activities of the ETH AI Center, an AI research center at ETH Zurich, as a core player in Swiss innovation, and the challenge of Tethys Robotics, a startup company from ETH Zurich.
Read this article and the rest of the Vitality.Swiss series of articles on ZDNET Japan (All in Japanese):
Learning from Switzerland, an innovation powerhouse, in its approach to AI and quantum technology (2023-12-18 07:00)
ETH Zurich at the Heart of Knowledge and Innovation - Spin-off Companies on the Rise(2023-12-19 07:00)
Confronting the Global Labor Shortage: “ANYmal,” a Robot as a “Colleague”(2023-12-20 07:00)
The winds of innovation blowing through Swiss cities - preserving culture and growing with the latest technology(2023-12-25 07:00)
Report from the Yomiuri Shimbun
The largest circulation of any newspaper in the world (recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records!) the Yomiuri Shimbun is one of Japan’s leading daily newspapers. In an article in its economic section, the Global Economy column mentions Switzerland’s enthusiasm for quantum technology. To read the full article, please visit the Yomiuri Shimbun or the Yomiuri Shimbun Online (All in Japanese).
”Quantum Technology Influencing the Future of the Nation”, reported by Azusa Nakanishi, London Bureau(December 8, 2023)
Report from the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (THE DAILY INDUSTRIAL NEWS)

The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun is a comprehensive newspaper specializing in industry on both macro and micro aspects of corporate activities and business. Mamiko Iida, a reporter from the Science and Technology Department of the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, wrote 13 articles during the tour.
In the article “Switzerland’s Presence in Quantum Technology,” published on December 5, 2023, she summarizes the tour and highlights Switzerland as a country to watch, in order to keep an eye on the field of quantum technology research and development, which is becoming increasingly active around the world. In the article, Iida cited the following points as the conditions that attract talented researchers from all over the world to Switzerland to develop their research.
- The existence of top-ranked universities and leading companies’ research institutes
- Clustering of companies that supply equipment necessary for research
- Donations from angel investors
To read the full article, please click here, or visit the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun print or/and electronic editions.
Please read the other 12 articles in the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun print and electronic editions (All in Japanese)
Switzerland’s science and technology budget of 5 trillion yen for 2025-2028: Fostering researchers to develop cutting-edge technologies (2023/11/21 05:00)
VR projects motorcycle speed and route information to both eyes Aegis Rider develops helmet (2023/11/22 05:00)
Tethys Robotics, a start-ups from ETH Zurich, will complete a low-cost underwater drone next year (2023/11/22 05:00)
ETH Zurich unveils quantum computer, studies error correction, etc. (2023/11/22 05:00)
ETH Zurich, deep learning system for intensive care unit, early prediction of septic patients (2023/11/23 05:00)
Swiss Anybotics demonstrate of quadruped robot (2023/11/23 05:00)
Fusion of satellite imagery and deep learning of ETH Zurich, Switzerland reveals forest losses in cacao cultivation(2023/11/24 05:00)
Visualizing carbon material synthesis - IBM develops a method, focuses on anti-aromatics (2023/11/27 05:00)
Low-energy materials for computer operation are elucidated by EPFL, Apply to electronic materials and memory(2023/11/27 05:00)
Swiss private center to introduce “open quantum machine” next year. Online operation and equipment open to the public (2023/11/27 05:00)
Start-up from the University of Basel, started full-scale sales of quantum microscope systems to Japanese customers(2023/11/27 05:00)
ETH Zurich, Switzerland, builds physics research center, boosting quantum research(2023/11/29 05:00)
We will update this page as soon as new articles are published. Please look forward to it!
Article’s cover:
Arranging 17 qubits (in yellow) in a structure as indicated in this picture enables the implementation of an error correcting surface code of distance three. The dimensions are 14.3 mm by 14.3 mm. © Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich